10 benefits of choosing hospice care

Hospice care is a special type of care meant for patients with terminal health prognosis. This end of life care is considered special because it is not limited to patients only, it is the type of care for both patient and family. We know that your family is an integral part of your very soul and we want to make this period easier for all of you. The time when you find out about your terminal prognosis is hard for both you and your family – and we are here to ease your burden. You don’t need to feel guilty because your life journey is coming to an end. You don’t want to spend the rest of your time surrounded by medical staff, alone in a sterile environment. Hospice is not about curing your disease, it is all about caring because we have strong belief that no two patients are same. We will provide care for your mental, spiritual and physical being. Every part of your being counts, we at Moments Hospice are nurturing real family and traditional values. We are here to continue when life-prolonging therapy is not doing any good to you. We can ease your pain and help you enjoy your routine you miss so much, to nurture friendships and spend the rest of time with your family. Here are some of the benefits if you decide to choose a hospice care.
The comfort of your own home.
Home hospice is provided in a comfortable, loving and familiar setting. The overwhelming majority of our hospice patients have expressed the importance and the desire of staying at home, where they feel comforted and nostalgic. At Moments Hospice our team enures to help you fill that desire. We work dilligently to help you stay in the loving environment you deserve.
Personalized care plan
At Moments Hospice we believe no two patients are alike. When we begin this journey together our first goal is to ask questions and listen. This helps us understand what the patients and families wants and needs are. By understanding you story and goals our team will provide a unique and tailored care plan to ensure our patients comfort and well being. We tailor this plan to meet the patients clinical, spiritual and psychological needs and wants. Moments can provide you and your family with a much-needed sense of security, comfort and dignity.
Familiar Faces
We feel it’s important that the patient and their family builds a relationship with our staff. This allows the patient and family to get consistent one on one attention and create a a strong bond with their care team. This enables us to keep an open line of communication for the patients, families and facility staff.
Accessibility to services 24/7
Our goal is to anticipate your needs or problems before they happen. Questions and concerns often occur after traditional working hours. We have experts on call and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week that can answer your questions, help to resolve your problems and have an appropriate team member visit the patient as needed.
Quality of life
Moments Hospice is focused on optimizing quality of life fir our patients. We can increase your quality of life in many ways. This can be accomplished by using different kinds of therapies and with our personalized plan of care, allow the patient to experience things that they enjoy and love.
Hospice Aides
Your loved one is cared for by the best and most qualified . When we bring in a hospice certified nursing assistants, your loved one receives care from experts in the industry who have dedicated their careers to caring and helping terminally ill patients and easing the end of life transition. For some people it’s the simple thing that are most important. Our Aides are here to ensure that even the simplest requests are met.
We understand what is like to lose someone close to you. Family members get the counseling, training, and support they need, too. Hospice workers are not only focused on the patient, but also on those who love and supported them through these times.
Easing your financial burden
Having a feeling that you are a financial burden to your family can create guilt. No one wants to make you feel this way when you got so little time to live and enjoy what is left of life. Hospital bills are sometimes very high and could be very devastating for entire family budget – we can offer you a solution. Most health insurances will cover hospice care.
Everything is about you
Our goal is providing the best care for you. Your life counts and means to us and doesn’t have a feeling that you are already lost. You still have time to do things you never thought doing. Let our circle of care help you. Moments Hospice – because moments are forever.